Secure Your Legacy: The Power of Estate Planning

Imagine working tirelessly to build a life of comfort, only to have it all fall into the wrong hands after you're gone. It's a chilling thought, isn't it? That's where estate planning comes in. It's not just for the wealthy or the elderly—it's for everyone who cares about their legacy and their loved ones. Call us today Free Consultation 800-939-0235

Why Estate Planning Matters

Estate planning is the process of arranging for the management and disposal of your estate during your life and after death. It's a roadmap for your assets, ensuring they go exactly where you want them to. Without it, you leave the fate of your hard-earned assets to chance and the laws of your state, which may not align with your wishes.

The Power of Preparation

Estate planning is not just about distributing assets; it's about preparing for the unexpected. It includes designating guardians for minor children, planning for incapacity, and even making arrangements for beloved pets. It's about making sure your wishes are known and respected, no matter what life throws at you.

Avoiding Family Conflict

When a person passes away without a clear estate plan, it can lead to disputes among family members. These disagreements can escalate into legal battles, causing emotional distress and potentially draining the estate's resources. With a well-crafted estate plan, you can minimize potential conflicts, ensuring a smoother transition for your loved ones during a difficult time.

Preserving Your Wealth

Estate planning is also about preserving your wealth for future generations. It can help you reduce estate taxes, allowing you to pass on more of your assets to your loved ones. It can also protect your assets from creditors and lawsuits, safeguarding your family's financial future.

Your Wishes, Your Way

Perhaps the most compelling reason to engage in estate planning is the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that your wishes will be carried out exactly as you intend is a powerful feeling. It's about maintaining control, even when you're no longer here to make decisions. Estate planning is not a task to be put off until later. It's a crucial step that every responsible adult should take. It's about protecting your legacy, caring for your loved ones, and ensuring your wishes are respected. To help you navigate the complexities of estate planning, we've compiled a list of informative articles that cover various aspects of this important topic. 10 Ridiculously Entertaining Reasons to DIY Your Last Will and Testament: This article humorously discusses ten reasons to draft your own Last Will and Testament, including becoming an overnight legal expert, saving money (sort of), elevating family drama, showcasing your creative writing skills, challenging the legal system, and making your own rules. Despite the entertaining spin, the article also notes that creating a DIY Last Will and Testament can lead to chaos and headaches and is probably not the best route if you want to ensure your assets end up where you intend. Ten Great Reasons to Steer Clear of a DIY Last Will and Testament: This article presents ten serious risks associated with crafting your own Last Will and Testament. These risks include the possibility of leaving out essential components, making errors in execution, having insufficient legal knowledge, not accounting for unforeseen changes or tax implications, increasing the likelihood of family disputes, overlooking complex assets, incorrectly handling debts, and failing to account for future legal changes. The author concludes by highlighting the peace of mind that comes from having a professionally drafted will, emphasizing that the risks of a DIY will far outweigh the potential benefits. Revolutionizing Trust and Estate Management with Blockchain: This article discusses the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize trust and estate management. The author outlines how blockchain could enhance efficiency, transparency, and security in this field, which traditionally involves complex processes and paperwork. The blockchain, due to its immutable and decentralized nature, is being viewed as a promising tool to streamline the management and execution of trusts and estates, reducing the chances of disputes and fraud. Outsmart the New York Estate Tax Cliff: This article explains the concept of the New York Estate Tax Cliff and provides strategies to avoid it. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the tax implications of estate planning and offers advice on how to maximize estate value while minimizing tax liability. Estate Planning for Everyone: This piece highlights the importance of estate planning for individuals at all income levels. It outlines the key components of an estate plan and provides tips on how to create a comprehensive and effective plan. The Impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Factors on Estate Planning: This article explores the influence of ESG factors on estate planning. It discusses how these factors can affect the value of an estate and provides strategies for integrating ESG considerations into estate planning. Estate Planning Stress Tests: This piece discusses the concept of estate planning stress tests. It explains how these tests can help identify potential issues in an estate plan and offers advice on how to conduct a successful stress test. How to Approach a Family Member About Estate Planning: This article provides guidance on how to discuss estate planning with family members. It offers tips on how to approach the conversation and how to handle potential challenges. Benefits and Mechanics of Stepped-Up Basis: This piece explains the concept of stepped-up basis and its benefits in estate planning. It provides a detailed overview of how stepped-up basis works and its potential tax advantages. Planned Giving: New York Arts & Culture: This article discusses the concept of planned giving in the context of supporting arts and culture in New York. It provides strategies for incorporating planned giving into an estate plan and the potential tax benefits of doing so. Guide to Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts: This piece provides a comprehensive guide to irrevocable life insurance trusts. It answers common questions about these trusts and provides advice on how to use them effectively in estate planning. Trust & Estate Law: Discovering the Power of Artificial intelligence: This article discusses the potential of artificial intelligence in trust and estate law. It highlights how AI can streamline processes, improve accuracy, and provide valuable insights, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of estate planning and administration. Disposition of Human Remains: Managing Funeral Arrangements: This piece provides guidance on managing funeral arrangements and the disposition of human remains. It emphasizes the importance of pre-planning and discusses various options for burial and cremation, as well as the legal considerations involved. Empowering Loved Ones with Disabilities: A Guide to Supplemental Needs Trusts in New York: This article provides a comprehensive guide to Supplemental Needs Trusts (SNTs) in New York. It explains how SNTs can provide financial security for individuals with disabilities without jeopardizing their eligibility for government benefits. The Fusion of Fine Art and Estate Planning: A Creative Legacy: This piece discusses the integration of fine art into estate planning. It outlines the steps involved in incorporating art works into an estate plan, including understanding the value of the art, establishing an inventory and appraisal, and considering legal structures and tax implications. Crucial Estate Planning Facts You Need to Know: This article outlines ten crucial facts about estate planning, including the importance of creating a will, choosing an executor, establishing a power of attorney, and regularly reviewing and updating the estate plan. It emphasizes the importance of professional guidance in navigating the complexities of estate planning. Estate Planning in the Age of COVID: Adapting to a New Normal: This piece discusses the importance of estate planning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the essential components of an estate plan and discusses the role of digital technology in estate planning. Faith and Ethics in Estate Planning: This article explores the incorporation of moral and religious clauses in estate planning. It discusses the benefits and challenges of these clauses and provides guidance on how to effectively incorporate them into an estate plan. How to Avoid Probate in New York: This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to avoid probate in New York. It discusses the importance of having a well-drafted estate plan, including wills and trusts, to ensure a smooth transition of assets upon death. The article also highlights the benefits of avoiding probate, such as saving time and money, maintaining privacy, and reducing family disputes. Requirements for a Valid Last Will and Testament in New York: This article outlines the legal requirements for a valid Last Will and Testament in New York. It emphasizes the importance of meeting these requirements to ensure that the will is legally binding and can effectively distribute the testator's assets according to their wishes. Inheritance Rights of Posthumously Conceived Children: This article explores the complex issue of inheritance rights for posthumously conceived children. It discusses the legal challenges and considerations surrounding this topic, including the implications of in vitro fertilization and the legal recognition of these children under New York law. Estate Planning for Same-Sex Couples: This article provides valuable insights into estate planning for same-sex couples. It discusses the unique challenges and considerations that same-sex couples may face in estate planning and offers practical advice on how to navigate these issues effectively. Choosing an Executor or Trustee: This article provides guidance on choosing an executor or trustee for an estate. It discusses the roles and responsibilities of these positions and offers advice on what to consider when making this important decision. Intestate Succession in New York: This article explains the concept of intestate succession in New York. It outlines the legal process that occurs when a person dies without a valid will, detailing how assets are distributed among surviving relatives according to state law. Afterlife of Digital Assets: This article discusses the importance of including digital assets in estate planning. It highlights the challenges of managing digital assets after death and provides practical advice on how to ensure these assets are properly handled. Trustees' Fiduciary Duty: This article provides a comprehensive overview of the fiduciary duties of trustees. It explains the legal obligations and responsibilities that trustees have towards the beneficiaries of a trust. Business Succession Planning: This article provides valuable insights into business succession planning. It discusses the importance of having a well-thought-out succession plan to ensure the continuity of a business after the owner's death. Pros and Cons of a Living Trust: This article provides a balanced view of the advantages and disadvantages of a living trust. It discusses the benefits of a living trust, such as avoiding probate, as well as potential drawbacks. Pros and Cons of Serving as Executor or Trustee: This article provides a balanced view of the advantages and disadvantages of serving as an executor or trustee. It discusses the responsibilities and potential challenges of these roles, providing valuable insights for anyone considering taking on these duties. Strange Wills, Eccentric Legacies, and Unusual Bequests: This article delves into the world of unusual wills and eccentric legacies. It shares intriguing stories of strange bequests and unconventional wills, highlighting the importance of clear and comprehensive estate planning. Estate Planning, a Somber Quest: A poetic exploration of estate planning. It emphasizes the importance of careful planning and thoughtful decision-making in ensuring that one's legacy is preserved and passed on according to their wishes. Cy Pres in New York: The Application and Impact on Charitable Trusts: This article explores the application of the cy pres doctrine in New York and its impact on charitable trusts. It explains how this legal doctrine is used to modify the purpose of a charitable trust when the original purpose becomes impossible, impracticable, or illegal, ensuring that the trust's assets continue to serve the public interest. Common and Costly Estate Planning Errors: This article highlights common and costly errors in estate planning. It emphasizes the importance of comprehensive planning and professional advice in avoiding these mistakes and ensuring that one's estate is distributed according to their wishes. Inheritance Rights of Posthumously Conceived Children: This article discusses the inheritance rights of posthumously conceived children in New York. It explains the legal provisions and conditions that apply to these children, highlighting the complexities of estate planning in the context of advanced reproductive technologies. Disinheriting Your Spouse: Is It Possible?: This article discusses the legal complexities of disinheriting a spouse in New York. While it is technically possible, the law provides protections for surviving spouses, such as the right to an "elective share" of the deceased's estate. This means that a spouse can choose to take a certain portion of the estate, regardless of what the will states. The article advises that anyone considering disinheriting their spouse should consult with an experienced estate planning attorney. Planning for the Care of Your Pets After You Pass: This article emphasizes the importance of including pets in estate planning. It suggests setting up a pet trust, which is a legal arrangement providing for the care and maintenance of one or more pets in the event of a grantor's disability or death. The article also provides a detailed guide on how to set up a pet trust, including choosing a trustee and a caregiver, funding the trust, and outlining the care instructions for the pet. Protecting Publicity Rights in Estate Planning: This article discusses the importance of protecting publicity rights through estate planning. Publicity rights, which allow a person to control the commercial use of their name, likeness, or image, can have significant value and can be inherited through an estate plan. The article highlights that these rights can become even more valuable after a person's death, citing examples of famous individuals whose estates have profited from their posthumous publicity rights. Separating Estate Plans after a Divorce: This article emphasizes the importance of updating estate planning documents after a divorce. It warns that failing to do so could result in a significant portion of one's estate going to a former spouse or their family, even if this was not the intention. The article provides an example of a case in New York where a woman's father-in-law inherited her estate because she did not update her will after her divorce. The article advises individuals to draft new wills and other estate planning documents after a divorce, ensure that copies are given to their attorney and family members, appoint new proxies for power of attorney and advance directives, and update all accounts with beneficiary designations. Deciding Domicile for an Estate: Residence versus Domicile: This article explains the difference between residence and domicile in the context of estate planning. While a person can have multiple residences, they can only have one domicile, which is considered their main place of residence and where any state estate or income taxes will be paid. The article also discusses the factors that courts consider when determining domicile, such as physical presence, location of family, employment, bank accounts, and more. Creating and Managing Your Digital Asset Estate Inventory: This article emphasizes the importance of including digital assets in estate planning. It highlights the need for regular updates to digital asset inventories, including changing and recording passwords. The article also discusses the legal considerations for transferring access to digital assets, and the importance of maintaining accurate and detailed records of digital activities. Online Life After Death - Digital Asset Estate Planning: This article discusses the importance of planning for the management of digital assets after death. It highlights the complexities of digital asset estate planning, given the legal uncertainties and the potential for these assets to fall under various categories such as intellectual property, intangible assets, or licenses. The article advises individuals to work with an estate attorney to ensure that their digital assets are accurately valued and properly included in their estate plans.

Learn About New York Estate Planning

Learn about Estate Planning

Secure Your Legacy:

The Power of Estate


Imagine working tirelessly to build a life of comfort, only to have it all fall into the wrong hands after you're gone. It's a chilling thought, isn't it? That's where estate planning comes in. It's not just for the wealthy or the elderly—it's for everyone who cares about their legacy and their loved ones. Call us today Free Consultation 800-939-0235

Why Estate Planning Matters

Estate planning is the process of arranging for the management and disposal of your estate during your life and after death. It's a roadmap for your assets, ensuring they go exactly where you want them to. Without it, you leave the fate of your hard-earned assets to chance and the laws of your state, which may not align with your wishes.

The Power of Preparation

Estate planning is not just about distributing assets; it's about preparing for the unexpected. It includes designating guardians for minor children, planning for incapacity, and even making arrangements for beloved pets. It's about making sure your wishes are known and respected, no matter what life throws at you.

Avoiding Family Conflict

When a person passes away without a clear estate plan, it can lead to disputes among family members. These disagreements can escalate into legal battles, causing emotional distress and potentially draining the estate's resources. With a well-crafted estate plan, you can minimize potential conflicts, ensuring a smoother transition for your loved ones during a difficult time.

Preserving Your Wealth

Estate planning is also about preserving your wealth for future generations. It can help you reduce estate taxes, allowing you to pass on more of your assets to your loved ones. It can also protect your assets from creditors and lawsuits, safeguarding your family's financial future.

Your Wishes, Your Way

Perhaps the most compelling reason to engage in estate planning is the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that your wishes will be carried out exactly as you intend is a powerful feeling. It's about maintaining control, even when you're no longer here to make decisions. Estate planning is not a task to be put off until later. It's a crucial step that every responsible adult should take. It's about protecting your legacy, caring for your loved ones, and ensuring your wishes are respected. To help you navigate the complexities of estate planning, we've compiled a list of informative articles that cover various aspects of this important topic. 10 Ridiculously Entertaining Reasons to DIY Your Last Will and Testament: This article humorously discusses ten reasons to draft your own Last Will and Testament, including becoming an overnight legal expert, saving money (sort of), elevating family drama, showcasing your creative writing skills, challenging the legal system, and making your own rules. Despite the entertaining spin, the article also notes that creating a DIY Last Will and Testament can lead to chaos and headaches and is probably not the best route if you want to ensure your assets end up where you intend. Ten Great Reasons to Steer Clear of a DIY Last Will and Testament: This article presents ten serious risks associated with crafting your own Last Will and Testament. These risks include the possibility of leaving out essential components, making errors in execution, having insufficient legal knowledge, not accounting for unforeseen changes or tax implications, increasing the likelihood of family disputes, overlooking complex assets, incorrectly handling debts, and failing to account for future legal changes. The author concludes by highlighting the peace of mind that comes from having a professionally drafted will, emphasizing that the risks of a DIY will far outweigh the potential benefits. Revolutionizing Trust and Estate Management with Blockchain: This article discusses the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize trust and estate management. The author outlines how blockchain could enhance efficiency, transparency, and security in this field, which traditionally involves complex processes and paperwork. The blockchain, due to its immutable and decentralized nature, is being viewed as a promising tool to streamline the management and execution of trusts and estates, reducing the chances of disputes and fraud. Outsmart the New York Estate Tax Cliff: This article explains the concept of the New York Estate Tax Cliff and provides strategies to avoid it. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the tax implications of estate planning and offers advice on how to maximize estate value while minimizing tax liability. Estate Planning for Everyone: This piece highlights the importance of estate planning for individuals at all income levels. It outlines the key components of an estate plan and provides tips on how to create a comprehensive and effective plan. The Impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Factors on Estate Planning: This article explores the influence of ESG factors on estate planning. It discusses how these factors can affect the value of an estate and provides strategies for integrating ESG considerations into estate planning. Estate Planning Stress Tests: This piece discusses the concept of estate planning stress tests. It explains how these tests can help identify potential issues in an estate plan and offers advice on how to conduct a successful stress test. How to Approach a Family Member About Estate Planning: This article provides guidance on how to discuss estate planning with family members. It offers tips on how to approach the conversation and how to handle potential challenges. Benefits and Mechanics of Stepped-Up Basis: This piece explains the concept of stepped-up basis and its benefits in estate planning. It provides a detailed overview of how stepped-up basis works and its potential tax advantages. Planned Giving: New York Arts & Culture: This article discusses the concept of planned giving in the context of supporting arts and culture in New York. It provides strategies for incorporating planned giving into an estate plan and the potential tax benefits of doing so. Guide to Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts: This piece provides a comprehensive guide to irrevocable life insurance trusts. It answers common questions about these trusts and provides advice on how to use them effectively in estate planning. Trust & Estate Law: Discovering the Power of Artificial intelligence: This article discusses the potential of artificial intelligence in trust and estate law. It highlights how AI can streamline processes, improve accuracy, and provide valuable insights, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of estate planning and administration. Disposition of Human Remains: Managing Funeral Arrangements: This piece provides guidance on managing funeral arrangements and the disposition of human remains. It emphasizes the importance of pre- planning and discusses various options for burial and cremation, as well as the legal considerations involved. Empowering Loved Ones with Disabilities: A Guide to Supplemental Needs Trusts in New York: This article provides a comprehensive guide to Supplemental Needs Trusts (SNTs) in New York. It explains how SNTs can provide financial security for individuals with disabilities without jeopardizing their eligibility for government benefits. The Fusion of Fine Art and Estate Planning: A Creative Legacy: This piece discusses the integration of fine art into estate planning. It outlines the steps involved in incorporating art works into an estate plan, including understanding the value of the art, establishing an inventory and appraisal, and considering legal structures and tax implications. Crucial Estate Planning Facts You Need to Know: This article outlines ten crucial facts about estate planning, including the importance of creating a will, choosing an executor, establishing a power of attorney, and regularly reviewing and updating the estate plan. It emphasizes the importance of professional guidance in navigating the complexities of estate planning. Estate Planning in the Age of COVID: Adapting to a New Normal: This piece discusses the importance of estate planning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the essential components of an estate plan and discusses the role of digital technology in estate planning. Faith and Ethics in Estate Planning: This article explores the incorporation of moral and religious clauses in estate planning. It discusses the benefits and challenges of these clauses and provides guidance on how to effectively incorporate them into an estate plan. How to Avoid Probate in New York: This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to avoid probate in New York. It discusses the importance of having a well-drafted estate plan, including wills and trusts, to ensure a smooth transition of assets upon death. The article also highlights the benefits of avoiding probate, such as saving time and money, maintaining privacy, and reducing family disputes. Requirements for a Valid Last Will and Testament in New York: This article outlines the legal requirements for a valid Last Will and Testament in New York. It emphasizes the importance of meeting these requirements to ensure that the will is legally binding and can effectively distribute the testator's assets according to their wishes. Inheritance Rights of Posthumously Conceived Children: This article explores the complex issue of inheritance rights for posthumously conceived children. It discusses the legal challenges and considerations surrounding this topic, including the implications of in vitro fertilization and the legal recognition of these children under New York law. Estate Planning for Same-Sex Couples: This article provides valuable insights into estate planning for same-sex couples. It discusses the unique challenges and considerations that same-sex couples may face in estate planning and offers practical advice on how to navigate these issues effectively. Choosing an Executor or Trustee: This article provides guidance on choosing an executor or trustee for an estate. It discusses the roles and responsibilities of these positions and offers advice on what to consider when making this important decision. Intestate Succession in New York: This article explains the concept of intestate succession in New York. It outlines the legal process that occurs when a person dies without a valid will, detailing how assets are distributed among surviving relatives according to state law. Afterlife of Digital Assets: This article discusses the importance of including digital assets in estate planning. It highlights the challenges of managing digital assets after death and provides practical advice on how to ensure these assets are properly handled. Trustees' Fiduciary Duty: This article provides a comprehensive overview of the fiduciary duties of trustees. It explains the legal obligations and responsibilities that trustees have towards the beneficiaries of a trust. Business Succession Planning: This article provides valuable insights into business succession planning. It discusses the importance of having a well-thought-out succession plan to ensure the continuity of a business after the owner's death. Pros and Cons of a Living Trust: This article provides a balanced view of the advantages and disadvantages of a living trust. It discusses the benefits of a living trust, such as avoiding probate, as well as potential drawbacks. Pros and Cons of Serving as Executor or Trustee: This article provides a balanced view of the advantages and disadvantages of serving as an executor or trustee. It discusses the responsibilities and potential challenges of these roles, providing valuable insights for anyone considering taking on these duties. Strange Wills, Eccentric Legacies, and Unusual Bequests: This article delves into the world of unusual wills and eccentric legacies. It shares intriguing stories of strange bequests and unconventional wills, highlighting the importance of clear and comprehensive estate planning. Estate Planning, a Somber Quest: A poetic exploration of estate planning. It emphasizes the importance of careful planning and thoughtful decision-making in ensuring that one's legacy is preserved and passed on according to their wishes. Cy Pres in New York: The Application and Impact on Charitable Trusts: This article explores the application of the cy pres doctrine in New York and its impact on charitable trusts. It explains how this legal doctrine is used to modify the purpose of a charitable trust when the original purpose becomes impossible, impracticable, or illegal, ensuring that the trust's assets continue to serve the public interest. Common and Costly Estate Planning Errors: This article highlights common and costly errors in estate planning. It emphasizes the importance of comprehensive planning and professional advice in avoiding these mistakes and ensuring that one's estate is distributed according to their wishes. Inheritance Rights of Posthumously Conceived Children: This article discusses the inheritance rights of posthumously conceived children in New York. It explains the legal provisions and conditions that apply to these children, highlighting the complexities of estate planning in the context of advanced reproductive technologies. Disinheriting Your Spouse: Is It Possible?: This article discusses the legal complexities of disinheriting a spouse in New York. While it is technically possible, the law provides protections for surviving spouses, such as the right to an "elective share" of the deceased's estate. This means that a spouse can choose to take a certain portion of the estate, regardless of what the will states. The article advises that anyone considering disinheriting their spouse should consult with an experienced estate planning attorney. Planning for the Care of Your Pets After You Pass: This article emphasizes the importance of including pets in estate planning. It suggests setting up a pet trust, which is a legal arrangement providing for the care and maintenance of one or more pets in the event of a grantor's disability or death. The article also provides a detailed guide on how to set up a pet trust, including choosing a trustee and a caregiver, funding the trust, and outlining the care instructions for the pet. Protecting Publicity Rights in Estate Planning: This article discusses the importance of protecting publicity rights through estate planning. Publicity rights, which allow a person to control the commercial use of their name, likeness, or image, can have significant value and can be inherited through an estate plan. The article highlights that these rights can become even more valuable after a person's death, citing examples of famous individuals whose estates have profited from their posthumous publicity rights. Separating Estate Plans after a Divorce: This article emphasizes the importance of updating estate planning documents after a divorce. It warns that failing to do so could result in a significant portion of one's estate going to a former spouse or their family, even if this was not the intention. The article provides an example of a case in New York where a woman's father-in-law inherited her estate because she did not update her will after her divorce. The article advises individuals to draft new wills and other estate planning documents after a divorce, ensure that copies are given to their attorney and family members, appoint new proxies for power of attorney and advance directives, and update all accounts with beneficiary designations. Deciding Domicile for an Estate: Residence versus Domicile: This article explains the difference between residence and domicile in the context of estate planning. While a person can have multiple residences, they can only have one domicile, which is considered their main place of residence and where any state estate or income taxes will be paid. The article also discusses the factors that courts consider when determining domicile, such as physical presence, location of family, employment, bank accounts, and more. Creating and Managing Your Digital Asset Estate Inventory: This article emphasizes the importance of including digital assets in estate planning. It highlights the need for regular updates to digital asset inventories, including changing and recording passwords. The article also discusses the legal considerations for transferring access to digital assets, and the importance of maintaining accurate and detailed records of digital activities. Online Life After Death - Digital Asset Estate Planning: This article discusses the importance of planning for the management of digital assets after death. It highlights the complexities of digital asset estate planning, given the legal uncertainties and the potential for these assets to fall under various categories such as intellectual property, intangible assets, or licenses. The article advises individuals to work with an estate attorney to ensure that their digital assets are accurately valued and properly included in their estate plans.
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